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Is My Child Too Sick for Daycare?

In order to protect the Center as a whole, we ask that parents assist us by keeping sick children at home.  If a child is sick, unable to play outdoors, and/or unable to participate in regular daily activities, alternate arrangements for care must be made.  Children with infectious illnesses cannot attend.


Our Policy for Sick Children:

In the event that a child becomes sick while here, you will be notified and prompt pick up arrangements will be made to pick up your child within the hour. If we are unable to reach you, we will begin contacting your authorized and emergency pick-ups.  Please make sure we have current contact information for you and your friends and family.  We would much rather reach a parent when this occurs. 

Your child may not attend daycare with a fever 101 degrees and higher. This includes the night before/morning of daycare (no fever for 24 hours without taking a fever reducing medication). If you had to give your child medicine the night before then that still means they cannot come to daycare the next morning.

When caring for an ill child, the ability to provide high quality care to all of the other children is jeopardized. Your child may return when he or she is free from symptoms and no longer infectious. He or she should also be well enough to actively participate throughout the day. In any case of illness, a doctor’s medical clearance may be required prior to admission back into care.

If you have any questions concerning this policy and whether your child should attend, please call before bringing your child.

Common Illnesses:

Rash/Unexplained Rash: Consult your doctor and bring a note stating your child is not contagious.

Vomiting or/and Diarrhea: All symptoms must be gone and no vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours.

Strep Throat: Consult your doctor and bring a note stating your child is not contagious. Child must be on antibiotics for 24 hours and be without a fever and medication.

Flu/Bronchitis/Pneumonia: Consult your doctor and bring a note stating it is they are healthy enough to return to daycare. This usually takes about 2-3 days before they can come back to daycare. He or she must be on antibiotics and no fever for at least 24 hours without taking fever reducing medication.

Ear Infection: Consult your doctor. Your child must be on antibiotics.

Conjunctivitis (red eyes with yellow discharge)/Pink Eye: Consult your doctor and bring back a note stating it is okay to return to daycare. He/she must be on eye drops/antibiotics for 24 hours.

Head Lice: Usually takes 24 hours to treat your head and house. When all nits have been removed and your house treated, your child is okay to return to daycare. We will inspect his or her head upon arrival.

Common Cold: Children suffering from a common cold will be assessed on an individual basis.

Factors of consideration include the developmental level of your child in congruence with our ability to limit the spread of germs. The younger your child, the more difficult it is to keep the spread of germs down. For example: hand to face contact, mouthing of toys, uncontrolled nasal discharge, uncovered sneezing and coughing etc.

Final Words of Wisdom:

It’s best to plan your day in advance, especially when you know your child is feeling under the weather. You know your child best. If you feel he or she is not themselves, chances are they’re not, and he or she may need more rest before attending or returning to daycare.

Finally, regardless of how sick your child may be, if he or she is not well enough to participate in the daily program, and that means outdoor play too, then it’s best to keep them home. After all, a sick child wants mommy or daddy the most when he or she is not feeling well.

** Parents must bring a doctor’s note verifying the child’s health after the child has been out for any communicable disease.

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